Lesson Title

Heading 2

Some text with a simple list

  • Question 1 might go here with some text
  • Question 2 might go here with some text
  • Question 3 might go here with some text

Heading 3

Example paragraph content. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam consequat, nisi a cursus mattis, erat orci ornare lacus, eget aliquet risus odio eget felis. Donec sed euismod tortor. Phasellus tristique, orci ac ullamcorper rhoncus, massa est commodo tortor, at mattis enim risus vel nisi. Duis posuere neque sed nunc sollicitudin, eu porta dui efficitur. Pellentesque finibus dui at sollicitudin lobortis. Ut sed nibh at odio condimentum facilisis non at tortor. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Pellentesque in nunc quis nunc congue tincidunt non vel purus. Fusce malesuada, tellus at efficitur sagittis, arcu ligula bibendum elit, vel aliquet risus tellus a nulla. Duis a nisi eget metus efficitur posuere. Duis lacinia, nisi sit amet tincidunt tempor, sapien eros pretium arcu, non congue ante erat id arcu.

Inline image. Vestibulum vel nisl eu quam aliquam accumsan. Etiam a iaculis metus. Ut elementum turpis ac erat rhoncus rutrum vitae sit amet est. Pellentesque tincidunt dui vel mollis consectetur. Integer mattis aliquam eros, sed feugiat turpis semper eget. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Maecenas pellentesque tortor dolor, at tincidunt ipsum commodo tincidunt. Pellentesque pretium dui dapibus tincidunt rhoncus. Nam aliquam sem a elit eleifend condimentum. Suspendisse semper neque in nunc pulvinar pharetra. Praesent id auctor nisl. Suspendisse luctus sed quam ut dictum. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Donec quis velit sodales, rutrum mi ut, sagittis urna. Nunc nec felis efficitur dolor ullamcorper efficitur laoreet non purus.

Donec maximus vestibulum urna eu consectetur. Donec vestibulum lacus quis leo posuere, eget maximus erat fringilla. Sed mollis neque non augue fermentum, vel egestas ex pellentesque. Nunc id bibendum nisi. Praesent leo eros, interdum non leo eu, faucibus malesuada mi. Nulla malesuada metus vel lacus fermentum volutpat. Donec fermentum ligula vel enim semper consequat.

Donec maximus vestibulum urna eu consectetur. Donec vestibulum lacus quis leo posuere, eget maximus erat fringilla. Sed mollis neque non augue fermentum, vel egestas ex pellentesque. Nunc id bibendum nisi. Praesent leo eros, interdum non leo eu, faucibus malesuada mi. Nulla malesuada metus vel lacus fermentum volutpat. Donec fermentum ligula vel enim semper consequat.

Heading 4

Structured/nested lists:

  1. Find common ground.
    1. People on both sides of the abortion debate can agree that human beings should have choices, especially regarding their own bodies; and we can agree that a crisis pregnancy is just that–a crisis. The challenges can be intense.
    2. This step is crucial in building a connection with the person you are talking to, a way of letting the other person know that you are here to listen to their concerns.
  2. Use an analogy with a born human being.
    1. Some refer to this step as “trotting out the toddler,” i.e. taking the same difficult circumstance but inserting a born human being, such as a toddler.
    2. Analogies and stories are helpful in communicating the truth to people because they take unfamiliar concepts and place them in a familiar setting. By using an analogy involving a born human being, we can draw out from people a truth that they already believe: namely, that neither “choice” nor difficult circumstances justify killing an innocent human being.
  3. Ask a question.
    1. If our right to choice does not include the right to harm born humans, then why would the right to choice gives us the right to kill pre-born humans? Similarly, if a difficult circumstance such as poverty does not justify killing born humans, then why would that same circumstance justify killing pre-born humans?
    2. Read more about the importance of questions in the context of pro-life dialogue.

Heading 3: Highlight Box Text Example

Highlight box example

Abortion Advocate (AA): There are many situations where a woman might need an abortion. What if a 14-year-old gets pregnant and cannot stay in school? Young teenagers aren’t ready to be mothers.

Pro-Life Advocate (PL): I agree with you that becoming pregnant in high school would be very challenging. Parenting at such a young age would be difficult. (Common ground). Let’s imagine, though, that a teenager becomes pregnant during high school but initially decides to keep the pregnancy. She carries her baby to term, but a few months down the road, she cannot handle the challenges of teenage parenting. Would it be OK for her to have someone kill her infant, since she is struggling? (Analogy)

AA: Of course not!

PL: I agree! So if it would not be OK to kill a born child because the mother is very young, why would it be OK to kill a pre-born child for the same reason?

AA: Well, that’s different. They’re not human beings yet.

Heading 2: Blockquote example

There is no debate about when a dog becomes a dog. Scientists agree that its life begins at fertilization. They know that any organism that reproduces sexually begins its life at this point. So it is with our own species: a unique, whole, living human being comes into existence at fertilization. Drs. Keith Moore and T. Persaud’s embryology textbook, used by medical students at the University of British Columbia, confirms this:

“Human development begins at fertilization when a sperm fuses with an oocyte to form a single cell, the zygote. [This] marks the beginning of each of us as a unique individual.” 1)

“From this moment, [the pre-born child] begins a lifelong process of self-directed growth and development, continuing to develop a more and more mature body. In other words, from fertilization, [the pre-born child] has everything necessary to continue to proceed through the full series of human developmental stages, changing only in her appearance, but not in her humanity. Like all other human beings, she simply needs nutrients, a supportive environment and time to mature.” 2)

Heading 3: Video embed example

Video embed example:

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Clearly women who choose abortion do so for a variety of different reasons, thus it appears that the abortion debate is quite complicated. People ask questions like, “What about poverty?”

… or finishing one’s education?

… or advancing one’s career?

… or having no support from one’s partner or family?

… or being pressured to abort?

… or being kicked out of one’s home?

… or being too young?

Moore, Persaud, Torchia, The Developing Human: Clinically Oriented Embryology, 10th edition. Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier, 2016, p. 11.