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PBH220H: Branching from the Head to the Heart

  • Strategies for dialoguing compassionately and sensitively with strangers about sensitive areas of personal history
    • Ways to covertly make them aware of help, if they might resist a direct offer
  • 10min example for Discussion: (from 54 min onwards, Crowder wins on logic but clearly doesn't win the heart and doesn't transition from the head to the heart effectively)
  1. Seek to understand
    1. Questions that you can ask when you find the intellectual/head arguments are coming up against a wall of denial:
      1. Head Q's = what someone believes, vs. heart Q's = why someone believes what they believe Reaching the person behind the argument
    2. “Do you know someone who's had an abortion?” Testimony:
      1. What made you decide to be pro-choice?“ Testimony:
      2. Where does your passion come from?
  2. Love
    1. Sexual assault
    2. Post-abortion
    3. AVP
    4. “What do you think someone like me thinks about women who've had abortions?”
  3. Inspire/impart courage
    1. “Who inspires you?”
    2. D = S - M
    3. Diagnosis of a disability or illness

FIXME 2020 notes from Maria McCann:

FIXME 1.5h talk from CCBR (Notes from Oriyana Hrycyshyn) – condense this so other individuals can use it/run it as a workshop; and may need to break this down into more than 1 seminar – e.g. talking to the post-abortive vs. talking about suffering…