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utsfl:classroom:seminars:pbh220h [2020/05/02 13:13] mcaluagutsfl:classroom:seminars:pbh220h [2024/08/01 14:39] (current) – [Love] mmccann
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          - **What made you decide to be pro-choice?"** Testimony: [[https://www.endthekilling.ca/blog/2018/03/28/speaking-from-the-heart/]]          - **What made you decide to be pro-choice?"** Testimony: [[https://www.endthekilling.ca/blog/2018/03/28/speaking-from-the-heart/]]
          - **Where does your passion come from?**          - **Where does your passion come from?**
 +         - What makes this issue important to you?
 +         - How did you come to be pro-choice [or pro-life]?  
 +         - How have conversations about abortion gone for you in the past?
 +         - Have you always had this view or has it changed for you over time? If it’s changed, how did that change of view happen?
 +         - When in life did you first learn about abortion? What did you think about it then?
 +         - What do you think someone like me thinks about people who've had abortions?
 +> “Asking questions from genuine interest builds connection. Connection builds trust. And trust is the bridge that can bear the weight of truth.” - //Mary Schaller & John Crilly, "The 9 Arts of Spiritual Conversations"//
 ===== Love ===== ===== Love =====
     - Strategies for dialoguing compassionately and sensitively with strangers about sensitive areas of personal history     - Strategies for dialoguing compassionately and sensitively with strangers about sensitive areas of personal history
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       - Communicate empathy       - Communicate empathy
         - {{youtube>1Evwgu369Jw?medium}}         - {{youtube>1Evwgu369Jw?medium}}
 +    - "If I had known you when you were pregnant and considering abortion, is there anything I could have done to help you make a different choice?"
 +    - "Do you think that if you'd had more support, you could have carried to term?    
 +    - - Communicate care through body language - open posture, smiling when appropriate (especially when initially greeting people), showing concern/mirroring pain when appropriate, angle your sign so it's not a physical barrier between you and person (and so more views!) etc.
 +Example: {{:utsfl:classroom:seminars:tikvah.jpg?400|}}
 +FIXME Still-face experiment footage https://youtu.be/FaiXi8KyzOQ?si=FeiNadftmw0U4HyN -- "what happens to the human person when (s)he experiences a lack of love?" C.f. Stephanie Gray visiting orphaned child. If someone can't see the difference between right and wrong, it may be because //they// have been wronged. If someone's coming from a place that seems initially heartless, it may be because experiences of pain have closed their hearts off.
 ===== Inspire/impart courage ===== ===== Inspire/impart courage =====
     - "Who inspires you?"     - "Who inspires you?"
       - Those who inspire do the right thing and pursue the good, even when it's hard       - Those who inspire do the right thing and pursue the good, even when it's hard
 +    - "Do you think that if you/your mom/your sister had had more support, you could have carried to term?"
     - D = S - M     - D = S - M
       - {{youtube>9rYRKZfunJA?medium}}       - {{youtube>9rYRKZfunJA?medium}}
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   * [[http://www.unmaskingchoice.ca/blog/2014/02/04/strong-minds-tender-hearts|Strong Minds, Tender Hearts]]   * [[http://www.unmaskingchoice.ca/blog/2014/02/04/strong-minds-tender-hearts|Strong Minds, Tender Hearts]]
-  * 10min example for Discussion: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8nhXQS5UUGQ#t=54min (from 54 min onwards, Crowder wins on logic but clearly doesn't win the heart and doesn't transition from the head to the heart effectively) +  
 FIXME topics=address at least some of the following: overall branching from head to heart; post-abortive women; loved ones of the post-abortive; survivors of sexual assault; women who've had miscarriages; suffering; mental health issues/suicidal ideation FIXME topics=address at least some of the following: overall branching from head to heart; post-abortive women; loved ones of the post-abortive; survivors of sexual assault; women who've had miscarriages; suffering; mental health issues/suicidal ideation