PBH105H: Post-Abortive Trauma
Abortion is a death experience, and a right-ordered response to death is grieving.- Angelina Steenstra
Silent No More Awareness Campaign
Angelina Steenstra
Albany Rose
Life Perspectives
- Resources for dealing with reproductive loss: https://www.lifeperspectives.com/training-tools/
“Meeting Clients Across Different Belief Systems” from Support After Abortion:
- “Abortion affects people of all faiths and cultures and as abortion healing providers, it is important to understand the different ways that those faiths and cultures can affect someone in need of healing. This Support After Abortion webinar brings together six different representatives from various faith - and no faith- backgrounds to talk about how they view abortion and how people from similar backgrounds may feel about their own abortion experiences. Many after abortion healing programs are Christian-focused and research from Support After Abortion shows that only a very small percentage of people who have experienced abortion are looking for that kind of healing program. This webinar will help after abortion providers learn to meet their clients where they are.”
Monica Snyder emphasis on ritual, memorializing the child, even though she is an atheist who doesn't believe in an afterlife for the baby