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PBP230H: Objections to Anti-Abortion Legislation

FIXME Freakonomics – merge PBA330H: Legalized Abortion and Crime Effects into this seminar

FIXME foster care system overrun?

Back-Alley Abortions?

Objection #1: Illegalized abortion = back-alley abortions = MORE dead people (babies still dying, moms dying along with them)

Moral response

  • We don't legalize violence to make violence “safer” e.g. we don't give boxing gloves to abusive husbands
  • Equal Rights Institute:
  • Alissa Golob's interesting response, something like this: “When pro-choice people say that back-alley abortions will happen, let's think about that. Who would be performing the back-alley abortions? Certainly not pro-life people. It would be pro-choicers, abortion supporters, performing back-alley abortions. So when pro-choicers say 'Keep abortion legal or women will die in back-alleys,' what they're really saying is 'Let us kill babies or we're going to start also killing women.'”

Historical response

  • See Bernard Nathanson, falsified data on illegal abortion rates, etc.
  • many illegal abortionists then became legal abortionists…e.g. Morgentaler

Empirical response

Do anti-abortion laws even make a difference?

Objection #2 (separate but related): Do [legal] abortion rates remain constant, or even increase, under anti-abortion legislation?

Effects of anti-abortion legislation on lowering abortion rates – need to review these: