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utsfl:classroom:seminars:pba350h [2023/07/15 19:11] – [Embryo Adoption] added questions and websites mmccannutsfl:classroom:seminars:pba350h [2025/03/12 10:36] (current) – note that embryo adoption and IVF should be more closely linked, rather than treated as separate topics balleyne
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 FIXME CCBR position piece https://www.endthekilling.ca/blog/2018/11/22/in-vitro-fertilization-a-human-rights-perspective/ FIXME CCBR position piece https://www.endthekilling.ca/blog/2018/11/22/in-vitro-fertilization-a-human-rights-perspective/
 +FIXME resource? Or insensitive/unclear? https://x.com/FrMatthewLC/status/1878833968860242226
 ===== Cloning ===== ===== Cloning =====
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 ===== Embryo Adoption ===== ===== Embryo Adoption =====
 +FIXME this is an extension of the IVF question. Either cloning becomes a quick "aside", or these should be back-to-back or something. The topics are more closely linked than suggested by this layout. (Though... perhaps so is embryonic stem cell research? The flow should be considered here, order of topics...)
 +This needs more polished notes, but the core for this section is:
 +  * Introduce the concept of embryo adoption, explain what it is
 +  * Ask whether or not it's ethical?
 +  * Introduce the framing: adoption? surrogacy? or rescue?
 +  * Share the rescue/adoption perspective from Life Under the Glass, and the distinctions between moral and immoral ways to approach it, or the kinds of serious questions raised
 FIXME really good chance to discuss this here, and opens the door up to vaccines because it raises cooperation in evil questions rather than killing questions FIXME really good chance to discuss this here, and opens the door up to vaccines because it raises cooperation in evil questions rather than killing questions
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   * Are you contributing financially to the slave trade?   * Are you contributing financially to the slave trade?
   * What about Wilberforce and compensation for emancipation to bring about an end to slavery?   * What about Wilberforce and compensation for emancipation to bring about an end to slavery?
 +  * or Schindler bribing Nazi officials so that his Jewish workers wouldn't get taken away to concentration camps
   * etc   * etc
 Other questions: Other questions:
-  * Some ask, is it justifiable to spend tons of money on embryo adoption if the resources could go to adopting a larger number of born kids who are suffering? (**Not*the same thing as saying you can kill the embryos, but rather a triage question. On the one hand, there are way larger numbers of human embryos who are in greater danger of either being directly killed, or dying from the freezing process. On the other hand, there are large numbers of born human children who are experiencing a higher degree of suffering while they wait for adoptive families. Like many situations of human suffering and mistreatment, we face the question of how to allocate limited resources. What is the most ethical way to direct resources? But also, important to not create a false dichotomy)+  * Some ask, is it justifiable to spend tons of money on embryo adoption if the resources could go to adopting a larger number of born kids who are suffering? (**Not*the same thing as saying you can kill the embryos, but rather a triage question. On the one hand, there are way larger numbers of human embryos who are in greater danger of either being directly killed, or dying from the freezing process. On the other hand, there are large numbers of born human children who are experiencing a higher degree of suffering while they wait for adoptive families. Like many situations of human suffering and mistreatment, we face the question of how to allocate limited resources. What is the most ethical way to direct resources? But also, important to not create a false dichotomy)
   * FIXME Summarize CCBR book's responses to common Qs   * FIXME Summarize CCBR book's responses to common Qs
 +    * Frame the discussion: **"These children exist. How do we rescue them?"**
 +    * Primary moral questions: are you contributing to an unjust system (IVF industry)? For some Christians (esp. Catholics), objection that it contravenes natural law on sexuality and procreation.
   * FIXME https://open.spotify.com/episode/7FkDnAL1MBRgz3ZCuRCErX Bas & Kerri Ann, personal story   * FIXME https://open.spotify.com/episode/7FkDnAL1MBRgz3ZCuRCErX Bas & Kerri Ann, personal story
 +  * FIXME https://www.thegospelcoalition.org/article/what-christians-should-know-about-embryo-adoption/ 
 +FIXME need some background at the ready for Catholic objections from Donom Vitae and Dignitatis Personae, with responses from John Berkman and Charlie Camosy
 +FIXME responses to the slightly psychotic view of some Catholics that we should just "thaw them, baptise them, and bury them" 
 +FIXME Stephanie Gray gives the rescue-arguments for, and some (IMO bizarre) arguments against((Stephanie's analogy about taking kidneys from your own children to help the other sick children seems seriously flawed, because she equates "sacrificing a window of opportunity for conceiving a new child / temporarily sacrificing the space where your new child is biologically supposed to live" with "taking necessary resources away from your own children". But as pro-lifers who know that life does not begin before fertilization, how does it make sense to say that sacrificing a window of opportunity of fertility, for the sake of saving another baby's life, is the same thing as taking away from your children... when those children have not been conceived and therefore do not exist? 
 +A better analogy might be this: Suppose there is a newlywed couple in the United States during World War II, before the US has joined the war. They have heard about what the Nazis are doing and are increasingly concerned about innocent people being killed, so they prayerfully discern, and the husband volunteers to fight overseas. They are, //at minimum//, sacrificing a window of opportunity for conceiving new children because of his absence; at worst, they are permanently sacrificing that opportunity, because he could die overseas.
 +Would we say that his actions are immoral, because he has a higher duty to his potential future children, and needs to stay with his wife so that they can welcome children? I would certainly agree with Stephanie that his actions are //"extraordinary care"// in this scenario and not something that can be demanded of him, but it seems ridiculous to say that he cannot go try to save other people's lives just because doing so means sacrificing opportunities for procreating with his wife.)), embryo adoption: https://youtu.be/mZNSD9pc_Zg?si=9LIR8T9K7lAZZzJa
 ===== Vaccines ===== ===== Vaccines =====
   * The question is: is it ethical to use vaccines that have been derived from aborted fetal cell lines?   * The question is: is it ethical to use vaccines that have been derived from aborted fetal cell lines?