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PBA201H: The Biology of Prenatal Human Development

  • EHD DVD / TED Talk / EvilCatProductions video
    • some facts and milestones about development (e.g. heartbeat, viability)

CCBR Embryology Presentation

* FIXME Embryology presentation used by CCBR

* Intro: close your eyes, imagine that you're in a small, dark, enclosed place, and you can only communicate with the outside world with a small cord.

  • Not talking about being in the womb, but the Chilean miners crisis
  • SLED

Prenatal Development: Timeline + Terminology

When does human life begin?


  • As we learned in PBA100Y, a new human being comes into existence at Fertilization.
    • FIXME description, DNA, hair colour, eye colour, etc.
    • Sperm-egg fusion: A mature egg will leave the ovary and the sperm that travels through the Fallopian tube will fuse with the egg; the first sperm that fuses, uses the enzymes to crack through the outer layer (zona pellucida) of the egg and fuse with the inner membrane; then, there's an outer barrier created that will prevent any other sperm from fusing with that egg
“Conception” vs. Fertilization:

It is generally better to use the term “fertilization” when discussing human development. “Conception” is a more vague term because it may refer to either fertilization or implantation, depending on the speaker. FIXME source

  • Four Principles: At fertilization, a unique, whole, living human being comes into existence.
    1. Unique:
      1. The genetic code of the zygote is unique, distinct from the mother and father
      2. Illustrate: A woman could be pregnant with a male zyogote = different DNA
    2. Whole:
      • Illustrate: a single-celled zygote vs. a single cell of, say, human skin. Both are living, human, diploid cells; but one is a human whole vs. a human part. Give each cell time, nutrition, safe envt, wait 9 months or 15 years…which one continues developing into a toddler, a teenager?
      • Illustrate constucted vs developing with Mr. Potato Head, a Polaroid camera
    3. Living:
      1. Law of Biogenesis: living things come from other living things.
      2. If the pre-born child isn't biologically alive, why would a woman need an abortion?
    4. Human:
      1. If someone has human parents, aren't they human offspring?
  • Cellular biology and sperm/egg fusion: composition, behaviour
    • While the zygote is a very young individual composed of only one cell, that one cell is substantively different from the sperm cell or egg cell. We can see this by considering the criteria science uses to distinguish between different cell types: cell composition and behavior. In other words, what the cell is made up of and what it does.
      • Composition: Whereas a sperm is composed of 23 chromosomes from the father and an egg is composed of 23 chromosomes from the mother, a zygote is composed of both. Sperm and egg, i.e. gametes, are haploid; the zygote is diploid. (FIXME include technical language of haploid vs. diploid?)
      • Behaviour: And where the behavior of sperm and egg is to penetrate or be penetrated (respectively), the zygote’s behavior is to do neither. The zygote acts in a coordinated manner for the health of the whole, and she self-directs her own growth. And so, the zygote is fundamentally different from sperm or egg. No human can claim ever having been a sperm or an egg, but as Drs. Moore and Persaud explain, the formation of the zygote 'marks the beginning of each of us as a unique individual.'
“No one really know when life begins.”

Let's set aside for a moment the question of abortion, of whether or not it destroys a human life. Let's instead look at when we want to create a new human life. Imagine for a moment that you are an embryologist in a lab and you want to create a new human life, outside of normal sexual reproduction. What process would you replicate?

Would you do in-vitro…implantation? In-vitro…heartbeat at 3 weeks? Would you try to replicate the moment of brain activity beginning? No, you would do in-vitro fertilization1). The fusion of sperm and egg is what is required to create a new human being. An embryologist will not be satisfied with a sperm sample or egg sample, but will be satisfied with a single-celled zygote. We know when life begins when we want to create life–it's when we want to destroy a human life that we suddenly become confused.

Think about it: Pregnancy is typically 9 months long. 9 months starting when? At fertilization!

  • Using the definition of death to mark the beginning of life
    • cardio-pulmonary death is the legally recognized point
    • complete irreversible brain death (this specifically), when all coordinated functioning for the overall good of that human being ceases to exist, is how we can define death more accurately (most medically accurate)
    • fertilization is when we first gain that coordinating functioning



Developmental Milestones




Determining precisely when the pre-born feel pain is largely dependent on technology to detect this. While it is an interesting topic, it has no bearing on the morality of abortion. After all, is it wrong to kill someone because she feels pain or because she’s human?

Consider Gabby Gingras, an American girl with a rare condition called hereditary sensory autonomic neuropathy, Type 52). In short, she cannot feel pain. As a baby, she poked and scratched her eyes, causing significant damage—she never felt pain to tell her to stop. May we kill her because of her inability to feel pain? Why then may we kill the pre-born because they don't feel pain at certain points during pregnancy?

To make the point even more simply: would it be permissible to kill a 3-year-old as long as we give him anaesthetic first?


Common Objections

“A fetus is just a blob of tissue, just a clump of cells. It doesn't even look like a human being.”

Terms like “blob of tissue”, “clump of cells” etc. are dehumanizing terms that are ultimately meaningless. It's true that a pre-born child is a “clump of cells” – but so is a born human being! Although pre-born children are obviously less developed than older humans, they are still human beings with human rights.

Pre-born children also look different from born children; a zygote looks different from a 10-week fetus, who looks different from a toddler, etc. But how would we expect a human being of that specific age to look? For instance, we would not expect a toddler to undergo the same body changes that a teenager undergoes during puberty. Pre-born children look exactly the way they are supposed to look for their age and level of development.

So many embryos miscarry anyway, so what's the big deal about abortion?

- high rate of miscarriage in 1st trimester - miscarriage is a tragedy - cause of death is different: one child dies naturally, we couldn't prevent it. Another child is purposefully killed. Ex. difference between 1 person dying of a heart attack and another person being stabbed in the heart.

“A fetus isn’t human, it’s just a parasite feeding off of a woman’s body!”

While a fetus does require nutrients from her mother via the umbilical cord in order to survive, it is unscientific to call the fetus a parasite. By definition, a parasite must be of a different species than the host organism–for example, a flea on a dog. Since a fetus and her mother are of the same species – human, it doesn’t make sense to call her a parasite.

“a tumour”

FIXME condensed version of the rest of Oriyana's presentation, such that anyone else could give it, in an hour-long discussion format

Important to affirm though that CCBR condemns IVF bc it commodifies + kills many embryos
“Rare nerve disorder leaves girl pain-free: Condition results in numerous injuries,” MSNBC, April 2004. Viewed online at on May 8, 2010.