TRTL Education Team Training
Level 1: Speaking
To bring on speakers who can give the core hour-long abortion presentation.
- Volunteer Application Form
- Background reading/watching
updated apologetics resources
- Scott Klusendorf, Pro-Life 101
- Stephanie Gray, Love Unleashes Life
- Watch video clips at to familiarize yourself with some facts about the biology of prenatal development
- Pro-life Apologetics Training
- offered monthly
- training from CCBR counts
- Dialogue-based activism experience strongly encouraged, e.g. “Choice” Chain
- encouraged to participate in or at least observe TAA at “Choice” Chain
- “Choice” Chain also a chance to observe education team members, debrief, and get a sense for their experience, confidence, and skill
- Education Team workshop
- when ready, two team members are hand-selected to give mock presentations
- participation from whole education team:
- test audience / focus group for new presenters
- debrief to refine content and presenters
- Crisis Pregnancy Preparation
- e.g. Enza or Linda
just rotating part of workshop? Or separate thing?
- Mentorship
- First, presentation shadowing (observing and debriefing with an experienced speaker)
- Then, giving presentations, with mentor observing and joining up front for Q&A
Level 2: Apologist/Leader
Opportunities for more involvement in not only speaking, but training
- Leadership
- We can hand-pick a different team member to give the morning keynote at the SLL Conference each year
- Our best and experienced presenters can mentor rookies on Level 1
- Apologetics/Dialogue Training
- Shadow apologetics/dialogue training
- Tag team an apologetics/dialogue training, by delivering part but not all of the presentation with an existing apologist
- Lead an apologetics training session
- Train and mentor new apologists
- Facilitating an Education Team workshop
Euthanasia (from Maria McCann)