Table of Contents

PBS100Y: The Mission

FIXME General outline:

“There is a difference between passive goodness and active goodness, which is, in my opinion, the giving of one's time and energy in the alleviation of pain and suffering. It entails giving out, finding out, and helping those, who are suffering and in danger, and, not merely in leading an exemplary life in a purely passive way by doing no wrong.” - Nicholas Winton

OR Canada150 video:


Our Cultural Context

Being an effective ambassador

Key point: We need to change people's attitudes about abortion so that this human rights violation becomes unthinkable, to change how people feel and think about abortion so that they will act differently towards it.4)

But, given the cultural context – the emergency, the woundedness – we need more than just moral arguments.

“Whom you would change, you must first love, and they must know that you love them.” -Martin Luther King Jr.

FIXME concrete examples…pick 1 or 2

We must…

How our club models this too

CCBR, Reforming Our Movement, Reforming Our Culture: How Canadian Pro-Lifers Can Make Abortion Unthinkable in the 21st Century,
Greg Cunningham: “This is not my passion. It is my conviction.”