Table of Contents

PBP100H: Pro-Life Politics in Canada

This is an introduction to pro-life politics in Canada, with a focus on three areas:

  1. Policy
  2. Parties
  3. Pro-Life Political Groups

Policy: The Pre-Born Child and Canadian Law

Canada has no abortion laws, and is one of the only countries on the planet like that, if not the only country.


The Present

What does the criminal law say about the pre-born child?

Section 223(1), (2):

“child becomes a human being within the meaning of this Act when it has completely proceeded, in a living state, from the body of its mother whether or not (a) it has breathed, (b) it has independent circulation, or © the navel string is severed. (2) A person commits homicide when he causes injury to a child before or during its birth as a result of which the child dies after becoming a human being”

Section 238.(1)

(1) Everyone who causes the death, in the act of birth, of any child that has not become a human being, in such a manner that, if the child were a human being he would be guilty of murder, is guilty of an indictable offence and liable to imprisonment for life

* This is never enforced, hundreds of children have been born alive and left to die and nobody is enforcing the law or investigating these cases

Other issues:


Why? Because Joyce Arthur:

“because we have virtually no restrictions against abortion, we've been able to spend our time working on access and funding issues, instead of fighting oppressive laws, which is what our American friends must do. Restrictions such as consent laws, waiting periods, and the like are simply cruel and unnecessary obstacles that impede a woman's ability to get a safe, early abortion. There is no question that the absence of restrictive laws against abortion places the struggle for abortion rights on the fast track for success.”


Political Pro-Life Groups