“Asking questions from genuine interest builds connection. Connection builds trust. And trust is the bridge that can bear the weight of truth.” - Mary Schaller & John Crilly, “The 9 Arts of Spiritual Conversations”
Still-face experiment footage https://youtu.be/FaiXi8KyzOQ?si=FeiNadftmw0U4HyN – “what happens to the human person when (s)he experiences a lack of love?” C.f. Stephanie Gray visiting orphaned child. If someone can't see the difference between right and wrong, it may be because they have been wronged. If someone's coming from a place that seems initially heartless, it may be because experiences of pain have closed their hearts off.
topics=address at least some of the following: overall branching from head to heart; post-abortive women; loved ones of the post-abortive; survivors of sexual assault; women who've had miscarriages; suffering; mental health issues/suicidal ideation
Resources from Life Perspectives on how to deal with reproductive loss: https://www.lifeperspectives.com/training-tools/