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PBA201H: The Biology of Prenatal Human Development

Video (15min cut of EHD documentary):

OR Your Life Before Birth

“Fewer women would have abortions if wombs had windows.” - Former Abortionist Bernard Nathanson

When does human life begin?


“This brand new embryo contains the original copy of a new individual’s complete genetic code. Gender, eye color, and other traits are determined at conception, also known as fertilization.”1)
“Conception” vs. Fertilization:

It is generally better to use the term “fertilization” when discussing human development. “Conception” is a more vague term because it may refer to either fertilization or implantation, depending on the speaker. FIXME source

“No one really know when life begins.”

Let's set aside for a moment the question of abortion, of whether or not it destroys a human life. Let's instead look at when we want to create a new human life. Imagine that a fertility specialist2) wants to create a new human life in a lab, outside of normal sexual reproduction. What process would she replicate?

Would she do in-vitro…implantation? In-vitro…heartbeat at 3 weeks? Would she try to replicate the moment of brain activity beginning? No, she would do in-vitro fertilization3). The fusion of sperm and egg is what is required to create a new human being. A fertility specialist will not be satisfied with a sperm sample or egg sample, but will be satisfied with a single-celled zygote. We know when life begins when we want to create life–it's when we want to destroy a human life that we suddenly become confused.

Think about it: Pregnancy is typically 9 months long. 9 months starting when? At fertilization!

Developmental Milestones

Developmental Timeline

“Most significant developmental milestones occur long before birth during the first eight weeks following conception when most body parts and all body systems appear and begin to function. The main divisions of the body, such as the head, chest, abdomen and pelvis, and arms and legs are established by about four weeks after conception. Eight weeks after conception, except for the small size, the developing human’s overall appearance and many internal structures closely resemble the newborn.” 4)


FIXME condense

Primitive Streak & Twinning

ERI Video on this:


Embed video in actual CCBR website (can embed EHD videos w/o permission): <iframe src=“” width=“330” height=“426” frameborder=“0” scrolling=“no”><a href=“”>Play Movie</a></iframe>


What about cognitive development?: Amoeba vs. Embryo

An abortion advocate may argue that a pre-born child is not a living human being until she has detectable brain activity. How do we know that pre-born children are still human beings, even before brain activity begins?

Imagine that in one petri dish is an amoeba, a single-celled organism, and in another petri dish is the single-celled human zygote. They are both living, single-celled organisms. Given time, nutrition, and safety, will the amoeba ever have brain activity? No–because of what it is–an amoeba. It is not in the nature of an amoeba to develop a brain. In contrast, if the zygote is given time, nutrition, and safety, will she ever have brain activity? Yes. Why? Because of what she is: a human being. Why does she not have brain activity yet? Because of how old she is. She is too young to yet develop that function. Discriminating against her for a developmental feature that is directly reflected in her age would be age-based discrimination.


FIXME Giving analgesics for fetal surgeries seems to be commonplace, and not just to prevent the baby from moving: CNN: Doctors performed brain surgery on a baby before she was born and now she’s thriving “Doctors had to make sure the fetus was facing the right position, with its head facing the mother’s abdominal wall. Dr. Louise Wilkins-Haug, division director of Maternal Fetal Medicine and Reproductive Genetics at Brigham and Women’s Hospital, partnered with Orbach to make sure that the fetus was not only in the right position for the procedure, but stayed there. Wilkins-Haug explained they used a technique borrowed from previous in utero cardiac surgeries. Once the fetus is in the optimal position, it 'gets a small injection of medication so that it’s not moving and it is also getting a small injection of medication for pain relief,' Wilkins-Haug said.”


“By 21 to 22 weeks after fertilization, the lungs gain some ability to breathe air. This is considered the age of viability because survival outside the womb becomes possible for some fetuses.”14)

Common Objections

“A fetus is just a blob of tissue, just a clump of cells.”

“It doesn't even look like a human being.”

“So many embryos miscarry anyway, so what's the big deal about abortion?”

“A fetus isn’t human, it’s just a parasite feeding off of a woman’s body!”

“An embryo is basically a tumour feeding off the mother's body.”


Biology textbooks, embryology studies, and medical advancements continue to confirm what we already know: pre-born children are living human beings from fertilization onward. By advocating for the legal protection of the pre-born, pro-lifers are simply advocating for science-based public policy.

Embryology presentation used by CCBR

FIXME terminology?
Important to affirm though that CCBR condemns IVF bc it commodifies + kills many embryos
“Prenatal Form and Function–The Making of an Earth Suit, Unit 1: The First Week,” viewed online at on May 8, 2010.
“Flatworm,” New World Encyclopedia, viewed online at on May 8, 2010.
“Rare nerve disorder leaves girl pain-free: Condition results in numerous injuries,” MSNBC, April 2004. Viewed online at on May 8, 2010.