Table of Contents

TRTL: Abortion: Why Not

This is the primary TRTL1) 101 presentation against abortion used for audience old enough to have an abortion, e.g. high schools, churches, community groups.

Download the presentation files to your computer (you may not have internet access when presenting):

Introduction: Approaching the Key Question


Objective [00:00-01:00]: (frame the presentation, set expectations)
  1. (introduce yourself) “Hi, I'm NAME. I'm a member of the Education Team at Toronto Right to Life.”
    • (introduce yourself beyond TRTL) “When I'm not doing this, I'm…” (share something about what you do outside of TRTL)
  2. (frame the topic) “Today, we're going to look at the abortion issue from science and human rights perspective. I believe this is an important issue to discuss. Many people in our society today are directly or indirectly affected by abortion. I have friends who have faced unplanned pregnancies and have had abortions. I’m here to present to you the facts behind abortion based on science and human rights, but also to share a message of love and hope to anyone wounded by abortion.”
    • (if in religion class or place of worship) “Even though this is religion class, we're not going to approach this from a religious perspective, but using science and human rights. Everything that I'm going to say is compatible with the faith, but if I were in a mosque or at a covention of atheists, I wouldn't say anything differently.” [religion class is just where ethics gets covered in the curriculum]
  3. (set an AMA tone) “Feel free to ask me anything. I'll try to answer your questions during the presentation. If not, I'll address them at the end wherein we have time for discussion. I also encourage you to write down your questions so that you'll remember to ask them at the end.
  4. (introduce the survey) “You all should have a copy of the survey. They're anonymous. We really want to know what you think. Start now by filling out the first question, what do you think about abortion before hearing the presentation. The rest you can fill out at the end.”

Transition: just pause for a second


Objective [01:00-03:00]: (The beINSPIRED concept is a way to establish in people's minds from the start an other-focused message, that inspiring people do the right thing even when it's the hard thing and that we're called to rise to the challenge to do the same.)

Transition: (segway to the difficult circumstances of abortion) “When it comes to the issue of abortion, the pro-life message that someone who faces an unplanned pregnancy should carry their pregnancy to term is not an easy message to accept. It's a very difficult belief to actually live out. Why? Because the circumstances of an unplanned pregnancy can be very, very hard.” (don't pause)


Objectives [03:00-13:00]:
  1. Explore the circumstances in which people feel that abortion is needed or might be okay
  2. Show that difficult circumstances don't make killing okay, but rather a difference in the way we perceive born vs pre-born humans.
  3. “Trot out the toddler” to bridge the gap between circumstances and the key moral question: what are the pre-born? The point here is not yet to argue that abortion is wrong, but to question whether circumstances are what makes abortion okay, so that we can move the conversation along to the key moral question: what are the pre-born?

FIXME life of mother case

Transition: “If we think a difficult circumstance can make killing okay before birth but not after birth, it's not the circumstance that makes killing okay. It's because we think there's some difference between pre-born and born children.” (don't pause)

The Key Question

Objective [13:00-15:00]: (frame the key moral question that we need to answer about abortion, and foreshadow how we're going to deal with it in the rest of the presentation)

“The key question then, is: who are the pre-born? This is the question that we need to answer to understand whether abortion is right or wrong.”

Transition: (outline the rest of the presentation) “This morning/afternoon/evening, we're going to dive into these questions in detail by looking at 3 key concepts:

  1. We'll go through the science of human development to figure out whether or not the pre-born are human and alive.
  2. We'll talk about the ethics to understand why all human beings should have human rights.
  3. Lastly, we'll look at the reality of what abortion does to pre-born children.

Science: When does life begin?

Looking for the beginning

Objective [15:00-18:00]: Challenge the audience to consider when life begins, working backwards towards fertilization, to establish a sense that development is a continuum through the Socratic method.
You can swap these photos out with photos of yourself, or photos of someone you know. (You can keep the ultrasound video/photos, and just say something like, “what about a child at this age?”)

But just before we look at science, let's consider for ourselves the “options” for when human life begins. Does human life begin before fertilization, at fertilization, or some time after? FIXME would need to edit the slides

Before Fertilization?

After Fertilization?

Transition: immediate

Biology 101

Objective [18:00-20:00]: Assert the scientific fact that fertilization is the beginning of a new individual organism of the species.

Transition: (restate conclusion) We know that life begins at fertilization.

Constructed vs Developing

Objective [20:00-24:00]: Illustrate the difference between constructed objects and developing beings through the analogy of Mr. Potato Head versus a polaroid picture; assert that human beings are developing beings, not constructed things.

Transition: (restate development line) “Everything is captured in an instant at the moment of fertilization, we just need time to grow.” (short pause)

Prenatal Development Video

Objective [24:00-27:00]: Use this video to visually show the humanity of pre-born children with stunning photographs and share many interesting facts about prenatal development in a short period of time, while also offering a quick change of pace in the presentation, offering yourself and the audience are short break from speaking.

(no transition)



Objective [24:00-29:00]: Use the concept of SLED to show that differences between pre-born and born humans are not morally relevant, continue before/after birth, and are all a function of age.

Transition: “These differences are all just age differences – not differences that matter in terms of basic human rights, like the right to life.”

human + x

Objective [29:00-33:00]: show that all human beings deserve human rights, but showing that any concept of personhood that excludes some human beings is the very formula for a grave injustice

Transition: And this ageism has lethal consequences.

The Reality of Abortion

The Victims

Objective [33:00-38:00]: To make the victims of abortion visible, and show the reality of abortion


  1. Video: “I'm going to show you a video. This video includes footage of abortions, and of abortion victims. It's not easy to watch, but I think that you have a right to know the truth about abortion. You can close your eyes or look away, but if you can, I encourage you to watch – We need to understand the consequences when we deny human beings the right to life, and what's at stake with abortion.”
    • Next step: video

Unmasking Choice

FIXME Michelle

Transition: (pause for 3-5 seconds after video ends, count it out) “What you just saw does not unrape a rape victim. It does not make a poor woman right. And it doesn't prevent two people from becoming parents – it just makes them the parents of a dead child.

FIXME insert here attack on moral relativism:

Wounded Culture

Objective [38:00-40:00]: Convey a message of hope and healing, that while we must condemn the action of abortion, there is always hope for people who have had abortions.

FIXME (pause) We need strong minds to condemn the action of abortion, but we need soft hearts.”

Transition: “We have a deeply wounded culture. Your voice is needed more than ever to reach out to the wounded, and to stand up for the pre-born.”

Change the Culture

Objective [40:00-45:00]: To show how local, student action is important to change the culture, and pitch Student Life Link

FIXME need to rework this

FIXME motivation to do something, e.g. Winton/swim, Thomas Clarkson

FIXME :!: :!: idea: “These are projects that you can run in your school, or your church, synagogue, temple, mosque, or your neighbourhood this year” (transition to “don't force your opinion”

FIXME should SLL pitch be linked to beINSPIRED at the end?


Objective [45:00-50:00]





The presentation structure is based heavily on Stephanie Gray's 2012 presentation at Holy Trinity
our growth is directed internally