====== Apologetics Infographic ====== Most second premise objections fall into three categories: - Justifications / Circumstances((I)) (enter from all different directions, like CCBR presentation graphic) * **Three steps to trot out the toddler** - Relate: Find Common Ground - Recount: Use an analogy (to trot out the toddler) - //Remind: ask what's the difference?// * core pro-life argument / justification line / difficult life circumstances lin - [Biology] Not human((D)) * **Three Question apologetic** - If something is growing, isn't it alive? - If something has human parents, is it human offspring? [biology of prenatal development] * fertilization; * unique whole human life * composition / behaviour * gamete vs. organism (("if you give a sperm (vs. zygote) everything it needs to live, what will happen?")) - //Human beings have human rights, don't they?// - [Personhood] Human, but...((C)) * **Personhood = human + X** => definition of a grave violation human rights * FIXME infanticide? bite the bullet? * SLED => //age discrimination// - [1st premise objections] Then, okay, human person but right to life can be trumped by... bodily autonomy or mother's right to life((first premise objections either may not be infographical or overlap somewhat with the personhood objection.)) * FIXME what are the quick steps to force them to bite the bullet on difficult situations? FIXME import June 25 sketch inspiration: http://strplace.files.wordpress.com/2010/09/abortion-flowchart.jpg